Someone with a vocabulary of only 200 words can still combine the words in different ways to say thousands different things. This aspect of language is referred to as?

(A) Phonology
(B) Syntax
(C) Morphology
(D) Infinite generativity

Language is most accurately defined as a system of that allow for communication with others?

(A) Vocalizations
(B) Symbols
(C) Words
(D) Images

Where is Elizabeth when Darcy first proposes to her?

(A) At home
(B) At Netherland
(C) Charlottee home in Kent
(D) At Pemberley

What purpose does Milton state for writing Paradise Lost?

(A) To prove the superiority of Protestantism over Catholism.
(B) To show how God defeated the rebellious angels
(C) To justify the ways of God to man
(D) None of the above

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