(A) A Fantasy
(B) A Parable
(C) A Moral Story
(D) None of the above
Tag: Poetry in English
Bertrand Russell was?
(A) A Fantasy
(B) Agnostic
(C) Rationalist
(D) Both A & C
Which of the following is a tragicomedy?
(A) Othello
(B) Kinglear
(C) Hamlet
(D) Winter’s Tale
The Comedy of Errors was written during?
(A) 1594 to 1600
(B) 1589 to 1594
(C) 1600 to 1608
(D) None of the above
One of the contemporaries of Sophocles was?
(A) G.B. Shaw
(B) Wild
(C) Euripides
(D) Ibsen
Oedipus Rex focuses on the role of?
(A) Fate
(B) Chance
(C) Miscalculation
(D) None of the above
Valdes and Cornelius are two?
(A) Faustus friends
(B) Devils
(C) Faustus enamines
(D) None of the above
Dr. Faustus rejects which branch of science?
(A) Chemistry
(B) Divinity
(C) Physics
(D) All of the above