(A) Abraham Lincoln
(B) James Mill
(C) Jeremy Bentham
(D) John Austin
Tag: Political Science Mcq
State of Britain is?
(A) Confederation
(B) Unitary
(C) Federation
(D) None of the above
French system of the Govt is?
(A) Mixed
(B) Presidential
(C) Parliamentary
(D) None of the above
In the history of political theory importance of social contract theory lies in the fact that it:
(A) Understand the value of the individual in the State
(B) Paved the way for the emergence of organic theory of state
(C) Gave rise to the idealist school of thought
(D) None of the above
In which one of the following forms of government the second chamber in an indispensable part of legislature?
(A) Parliamentary Government
(B) Federal Government
(C) Unitary form of Government
(D) Presidential Government
Which one of the following is not an essential feature of the parliamentary system?
(A) Collective responsibility
(B) Fixed tenure
(C) Nominal head of the state
(D) Fusion of executive and legislature
Which of the following negates the fundamental principles of bureaucracy?
(A) Trained personnel for the conduct of business
(B) Principle of hierarchy
(C) Organization of official functions on a continuous rule bound basis
(D) Appropriation of official position by the incumbent
Which of the following is a serious limitation of the rule of law in the UK?
(A) The two party system
(B) Delegated legislation
(C) Absence of separation of powers
(D) The supremacy of the British parliament