(A) James Mill
(B) J.S Mill
(C) Jeremy Bentham
(D) Edmund Burk
Tag: Political Science Mcq
Who was the president during the tenure Americans were kept hostages in Iran?
(A) Jimmy Carter
(B) Clinton
(C) Reagan
(D) Ford
Select the number of articles in the unamended charter of 1973?
(A) 280
(B) 295
(C) 320
(D) 338
Who is the writer of “The development of Capitalism in Russia”?
(A) Lenin
(B) Friedrich Engels
(C) Mao Tse Tung
(D) None of the above
Occupancy of the French senate is?
(A) 5 Years
(B) 6 Years
(C) 9 Years
(D) None of the above
In the past times England remained under Roman rule for about?
(A) 350 Years
(B) 400 Years
(C) 450 Years
(D) None of the above
As per first communist charter of Russia the Presidium contain of?
(A) 29 Members
(B) 33 Members
(C) 39 Members
(D) 42 Members
A obligatory normal code for manage the business of the state is known as?
(A) Ordinance
(B) Convention
(C) Constitution
(D) None of the above