(A) International law
(B) Statutory law
(C) Common law
(D) natural law
Tag: Political Science
Negative liberty implies that,?
(A) Freedom should be unlimited
(B) Freedom should be restricted
(C) Freedom from wants
(D) Freedom to rule
Which among the following is a Political right?
(A) Right to hold public office
(B) Right to freedom
(C) Right against exploitation
(D) Right to work
Who first gave the Concept of ‘Distributive Justice’?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Machiavelli
(D) Locke
Civil Rights are given to the individuals by__?
(A) The State
(B) The People
(C) Nature
(D) Society
The concept of Rights, Property, Liberty, Equality and Justice are related to__?
(A) Dictatorship
(B) Aristocracy
(C) Democracy
(D) Oligarchy
How did Post Positivism relate to Positivism?
(A) Its criticized Positivism but held on some of its features
(B) It advocated abandoning positivism altogether
(C) It was a continuation of positivism
(D) None of the above
ivism is based on strong confidence in _____?
(A) Positive thinking
(B) Science
(C) Religion
(D) All of these