(A) Humanist
(B) Positivist
(C) Functionalist
(D) Feminist
Tag: Political Science
Epistemology is concerned with _____ of knowledge?
(A) Origin
(B) Validity
(C) Limitations
(D) All of these
The philosophical area which deals with the problem of being is called ______?
(A) Axiology
(B) Epistemology
(C) Materialism
(D) Ontology
The history of the social sciences begins in the routes of the ancient _______?
(A) Philosophy
(B) Epics
(C) Epigraphy
(D) Literature
Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as the basis of behaviouralism moment by David Easton?
(A) Quantifications
(B) Values
(C) Systematization
(D) Pure science
Enlightment thought laid the ground work for the development of?
(A) Religious notions
(B) Speculations
(C) Social Scientific Thought
(D) All of the above
______ is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields?
(A) Natural Sciences
(B) Human Sciences
(C) Social Sciences
(D) Psychical Sciences
The word ________ is from the Greek for ‘ human being’ or ‘person’?
(A) Socious
(B) Anthropos
(C) Logous
(D) Oikos