(A) Controlling
(B) Processing information
(C) Decision making
(D) Working the plan
Tag: Psychology Mcqs
Which one of the following is not considered as an organisation?
(A) Clubs
(B) Schools
(C) Associations
(D) Society
Who is said to be the Father of Philosophy of Idealism 7:
(A) Plato
(B) Socrates
(C) Aristotle
(D) Galan
The literal meaning of the word Philosophy is~__.
(A) Love of criticism
(B) Love of wisdom
(C) Love of knowledge
(D) Love of God
The cognitive domain involves__.
(A) learning
(B) knowledge
(C) manner
(D) physical movement
Human normally have 46 chromosomes. a person born with an extra 21st chromosome(47 in all) would have__.
(A) klinefelter’s syndrome
(B) turner’s syndrome
(C) down’s syndrome
(D) korsakoff’s syndrome
The drug that has been a successful treatment for some cases of bipolar disorder is__.
(A) thorazine
(B) valium
(C) seconal
(D) lithium
Systematic desensitization is an__ technique.
(A) cognitive restructuring
(B) operant
(C) counter conditioning
(D) aversive