(A) Consistency in attitudes and behavior
(B) Cognitive dissonance
(C) Self-perception
(D) Attribution
Tag: Psychology Mcqs
When we receive mixed information about a person, we tend to base our impression on the information that is:
(A) Favorable
(B) Unfavorable
(C) Received first
(D) Received last
Trail theory has been criticized on the ground that:
(A) Traits may be highly dependent on the situation
(B) Moderator variable are often very influential
(C) They often do not specify how traits are organized within the personality
(D) All of the (a), (b) and (c)
In Freud’s theory of personality:
(A) The ego obeys the reality principle
(B) The id operates by secondary process thinking
(C) The super-ego obeys the pleasure principle
(D) The ego operates by primary process thinking
The ability to focus on stimuli in which we are interested while resisting distracting stimuli is called:
(A) Concentrated attending
(B) Stimulus focusing
(C) Selective attention
(D) Structured perceiving
The view that we are born with the ability to perceive the way we do it held by:
(A) Sensory psychologists
(B) Nativists
(C) Empiricists
(D) Contemporary psychologists
When we look at a distant object, we usually judge its size by:
(A) Object size
(B) Perspective size
(C) A compromise between object size and perspective size
(D) Retinal size
Psychology has been defined by psychologists as:
(A) The study of behavior
(B) The study of mental activity
(C) The science that studies behavior and mental process
(D) None of these