Which of the following is not a disadvantage of self-completion questionnaires compared to structured interviews?

(A) The respondent can read the whole questionnaire before answering the first question
(B) The researcher cannot ask many closed-ended questions
(C) The researcher cannot probe or prompt respondents for more detail
(D) The respondent may not answer all questions, resulting in missing data

The response set of “acquiescence” can be a problem in that:

(A) Some people consistently agree or disagree with a set of questions or items
(B) Respondents tend to give answers that they think are socially desirable
(C) The structured interview is so conducive to reciprocity that male respondents find it hard to stop talking
(D) Researchers who wear very strong perfume will distract their respondents

Which of the following is not advised when planning the question order of a structured interview?

(A) Be wary of asking an earlier question that alters the salience of later questions
(B) Expect some variation in the order in which questions are asked
(C) Leave questions about sensitive or embarrassing issues until later in the interview
(D) Group the questions into logically organised sections

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