Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting your project?

(A) To give you something to do in the early stages of your research when nothing is
(B) Because funding councils generally demand to see written evidence that you were
working every day during the period of the research
(C) Because funding councils generally demand to see written evidence that you were
working every day during the period of the research
(D) It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit

What did Marx (1997) mean when he suggested that “intellectual puzzles and contradictions” can be a possible source of research questions?

(A) The researcher may feel that there is a contradiction in the literature, presenting a “puzzle” to be solved
(B) Students can develop their IQ levels by attempting to solve intellectual puzzles
(C) Unless you can find a logical contradiction, you have no basis for conducting research
(D) All of life is a puzzle, so any aspect of life can be researched

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