(A) Applying nodes to segments of text
(B) Using a pre-set coding frame
(C) Entering the data case by case as “variables”
(D) Changing the spelling of certain words to disguise their real meaning
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
What are the two types of node used in NVivo?
(A) Seed nodes and weed nodes
(B) Shrub nodes and grub nodes
(C) Flower nodes and power nodes
(D) Tree nodes and free nodes
In which window can you read through, edit and code your documents?
(A) Document Viewer
(B) Node Explorer
(C) Project Pad
(D) Welcome Screen
In what format should you import your project documents from Word into NVivo?
(A) .jpg or .mpg
(B) .pdf of .exe
(C) .htm or .com
(D) .doc or .rtf
Which of the following is not an advantage of using CAQDAS in social research?
(A) It makes the process of qualitative data analysis more transparent
(B) It is faster and efficient than analyzing by hand
(C) It involves learning skills that are specific to each program
(D) It helps you to map out the relations between ideas and themes in the data
Which of the following is not a criticism of the use of CAQDAS in social research?
(A) It reinforces the idea that code-and-retrieve is the only way to conduct qualitative analysis
(B) It results in the fragmentation of data and a loss of narrative flow
(C) It may not be suitable for focus group data
(D) It is not very fast or efficient at retrieving sections of data
How is CAQDAS different from quantitative data analysis software?
(A) It only works on Apple Mac computers
(B) It requires detailed knowledge of statistics
(C) There is no industry leader
(D) The programs do the analysis for you
What does the acronym “CAQDAS” stand for?
(A) Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software
(B) Complicated Analytical Questions Deserving Answers Soon
(C) Constant Aggravation Queried Directly And Swiftly
(D) Content Analysis Quantification: Durkheim And Statistics