(A) One that operates at the highest level of abstraction
(B) One that is highly controversial and provokes a critical response
(C) One that relates to an empirical instance or substantive topic area
(D) One that is amenable to statistical analysis
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
What do Strauss & Corbin mean by “open coding”?
(A) Breaking data down and examining it to identify themes and concepts
(B) Coding without the intention of building a theory
(C) Drawing open brackets alongside key words and phrases
(D) Telling everybody about the way you have coded the data
Which of the following is not a tool of grounded theory?
(A) Theoretical sampling
(B) Coding
(C) External validity
(D) Constant comparison
In analytic induction, what happens if the researcher finds a deviant case?
(A) They ignore it and carry on
(B) They must either redefine or reformulate the hypothesis
(C) They conduct a parametric statistical test
(D) They give up and decide to be quantitative researchers instead
What is semiotics?
(A) The study of semi-detached houses
(B) A half-baked attempt at social research
(C) The method of semi-structured interviewing
(D) The science of signs
How does qualitative content analysis differ from quantitative content analysis?
(A) It is always preceded by ethnographic research
(B) It involves counting the number of times certain words appear in a text
(C) It is less rigid, as researchers are constantly revising their concepts
(D) It is less likely to be used by feminist researchers
Why is it important to study the way audiences “read” cultural documents?
(A) To demonstrate how audiences passively accept whatever they are told
(B) Because their interpretation of it may differ from that intended by the author
(C) Because sociologists are running out of new things to research
(D) Because there is a lot of funding available for focus group studies
Why can it be difficult to establish the authenticity of virtual data?
(A) Because we do not know who wrote the material on a web site
(B) Because virtual data are not as good as actual data
(C) Because it may require specialist “inside knowledge” to understand the text
(D) Because it is usually presented in the form of visual images