(A) The minutes of a parish council meeting
(B) Personal letters between a mother and her daughter
(C) Newspaper articles about a particular issue or event
(D) The staff newsletter produced by a private company
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
Which of the following is not an example of an official document?
(A) A report of a public inquiry into a disaster
(B) A PhD student’s collection of interview transcripts
(C) Documentation from a pharmaceutical company about a new drug
(D) A leaked memo from one member of parliament to another
Why might social researchers be interested in analyzing photographs as a form of visual data?
(A) To find out more about fashion, artifacts and everyday life in a particular social setting
(B) To study the way photographs present idealized depictions of family life
(C) To help them to see what has not been photographed and why
(D) All of the above
Why might a collection of personal letters from the nineteenth century be low in representativeness?
(A) Because it would be difficult to read old-fashioned styles of handwriting
(B) Because it can be hard for a modern day researcher to understand such materials
(C) Because they might have been forged by an unscrupulous dealer
(D) Because at that time literacy was mainly limited to middle class males
Why does Bryman raise questions about biographies of Walt Disney?
(A) Because access to materials in the official Disney archives is tightly controlled
(B) Because they have been “ghost written” by other authors
(C) Because they are not representative of all great figures in cartoon history
(D) Because he never enjoyed watching Lady and the Tramp as a child
What are Scott’s four criteria for assessing the quality of documents?
(A) Credibility, reliability, accuracy and meaning
(B) Comprehensiveness, accuracy, value and rigour
(C) Authenticity, credibility, representativeness and meaning
(D) Objectivity, subjectivity, authenticity and value
The anti-realist inclination of many DA researchers is controversial because it leads them to assert that:
(A) There is no pre-existing material reality that constrains individual action
(B) Social structures determine the way individuals use language
(C) The technique is incompatible with feminist principles
(D) Quantitative research is inherently superior to qualitative research
Potter & Wetherell use the term “interpretative repertoires” to refer to:
(A) The process of making non-factual data appear to be factual
(B) The general resources people use to perform discursive acts
(C) The frames of reference audiences use to hear messages
(D) The stock of academic knowledge people draw upon in sociology