(A) It can be difficult to obtain a random sample of newspapers
(B) You might run out of photocopier paper
(C) The categories may not be mutually exclusive
(D) The unit of analysis is too clearly defined
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
The data from each row in a coding schedule can be entered into a quantitative analysis computer program called:
(A) Endnote
(B) N-Vivo
(C) Outlook
The purpose of a coding manual is to:
(A) Provide a form onto which the data can be entered
(B) Provide researchers with instructions about how to code the data
(C) List all the categories that have been omitted from the schedule
(D) Test researchers’ knowledge of statistics
Why might a researcher want to count the frequency of certain words in a text?
(A) It increases the reliability of the coding measures
(B) It is a good way of finding out about the journalist’s favourite words
(C) Emotive words can be used excessively to provoke a moral panic
(D) It shows which words are most common in the English language
Which of the following is not an example of a ‘unit of analysis’?
(A) Validity
(B) Significant actors
(C) Words
(D) Subjects and themes
Why did Warde sample food magazines from four different months in the year?
(A) Because there weren’t enough food adverts in the first two magazines
(B) To take into account any seasonal variation in the recipes included in the magazines
(C) To find information from more than one form of mass media communication
(D) Because he couldn’t decide which of the recipes were the most appetizing
Which of the following could be subjected to a textual content analysis?
(A) Interview transcripts
(B) Newspaper articles
(C) Song lyrics
(D) All of the above
Quantitative content analysis is an approach that aims to:
(A) Objectively and systematically measure the content of a text
(B) Reach an interpretive understanding of social action
(C) Engage in a critical dialogue about ethical issues in research
(D) Provide a feminist alternative to ‘male-stream’ quantitative methods