(A) Enquire about personal details such as age, income and occupation
(B) Ask people about the characteristics of a social setting or entity that they know well
(C) Seek to find out about people’s attitudes and opinions on a range of topics
(D) Try to identify the normative standards and values held by a social group
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
Which of the following is not an advantage of using closed questions in a survey?
(A) It reduces the risk of variability in the way answers are recorded
(B) It makes answers easier to process and analyse
(C) They prevent respondents from giving spontaneous, unexpected answers
(D) Closed questions are quicker and easier for respondents to complete
In order to post-code answers to open questions, it is necessary to:
(A) Count the frequency with which each answer has been given
(B) Categorise unstructured material and assign a code number to each category
(C) Identify the three most commonly cited responses and give them a code
(D) Find out where each respondent lives and make a note of their postcode
n open question is one that:
(A) Allows respondents to answer in their own terms
(B) Does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses
(C) Can help to generate answers for closed questions
(D) All of the above
One advantage of using diaries in quantitative research is that:
(A) There is little danger of attrition, as respondents tend to be highly motivated
(B) They are likely to elicit data about sensitive issues or deviant activities
(C) They highlight the thoughts, feelings and experiences that are unique to each respondent
(D) None of the above
The ‘time-use’ diary can provide quantitative data about:
(A) The amount of time respondents spend on certain activities every day
(B) The subjective meanings that concepts of ‘time’ have for different people
(C) The way respondents make sense of their life stories in narrative form
(D) The historical significance of clocks, watches and other devices for measuring time
Corti (1993) makes a distinction between two types of researcher-driven diary:
(A) Valid and reliable diaries
(B) Quantitative and qualitative diaries
(C) Structured and free-text diaries
(D) Open or closed answer diaries
In order to identify response sets in a Likert scale, you could:
(A) Pre-code all items consistently from 1-5
(B) Reverse the scoring of pre-coded answers
(C) Only include items about socially desirable behaviours
(D) Include explicit instructions to respondents not to deceive you