(A) It takes up less space on the page
(B) It encourages respondents to choose more than one answer
(C) It allows questions to be spread over more than one page
(D) It makes the layout of the questionnaire more clear and unambiguous
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
Which of the following steps can be taken to improve response rates to a self-completion questionnaire?
(A) Write a personalized covering letter to introduce the research
(B) Enclose a stamped addressed envelope with a postal questionnaire
(C) Send out polite reminder letters
(D) All of the above
Which of the following is not a disadvantage of self-completion questionnaires compared to structured interviews?
(A) The respondent can read the whole questionnaire before answering the first question
(B) The researcher cannot ask many closed-ended questions
(C) The researcher cannot probe or prompt respondents for more detail
(D) The respondent may not answer all questions, resulting in missing data
One of the advantages of self-completion questionnaires over structured interviews is that:
(A) They are quicker and cheaper to administer
(B) They create interviewer effects
(C) They have greater measurement validity
(D) They are less prone to inter-coder variation
Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Self-completion questionnaires are a type of postal survey
(B) Postal surveys can include self-completion or email surveys
(C) Self-completion questionnaires can include postal or email surveys
(D) Email surveys are a type of postal questionnaire
The response set of “acquiescence” can be a problem in that:
(A) Some people consistently agree or disagree with a set of questions or items
(B) Respondents tend to give answers that they think are socially desirable
(C) The structured interview is so conducive to reciprocity that male respondents find it hard to stop talking
(D) Researchers who wear very strong perfume will distract their respondents
A show card is:
(A) One that prevents respondents from expressing their opinions about a statement
(B) One that encourages explicit discussion of sensitive or personal information
(C) One that prompts respondents to choose from a range of possible answers
(D) One that researchers must present when they compete at pony club events
Which of the following is not advised when planning the question order of a structured interview?
(A) Be wary of asking an earlier question that alters the salience of later questions
(B) Expect some variation in the order in which questions are asked
(C) Leave questions about sensitive or embarrassing issues until later in the interview
(D) Group the questions into logically organised sections