(A) So that the participants cannot find out what has been written about them
(B) In case individuals, places or organizations can be harmed through identification or disclosure of personal information
(C) So that government officials, teachers and other people in authority can have easy access to the data
(D) To enable the researcher to track down individuals and find out more about their lives
Tag: Sociology Mcqs
Which of the following is a form of harm that might be suffered by research participants?
(A) Physical injury
(B) Stress and anxiety
(C) Impaired development
(D) All of the above
Why is it argued that ethical transgression is pervasive in social research?
(A) Because most researchers do not bother to follow a professional code of ethics
(B) Because researchers rarely provide their participants with all the information they might want to know about a project
(C) Because it helps us to justify the more extreme forms of unethical conduct that we prefer to pursue
(D) Because sociologists want to present themselves as inconsiderate and careless
Which of the following ideas is not associated with the stance of situation ethics?
(A) Anything goes
(B) Principled relativism
(C) The end justifies the means
(D) No choice
There is a tendency for debates about ethics in social research to focus on the most extreme cases of ethical transgression. Why might this create a misleading impression?
(A) Because these studies did not actually take place
(B) Because it makes social researchers look like nasty, unscrupulous people
(C) Because this implies that ethical concerns do not pervade all social research
(D) Because most social research is in fact ethically sound and infallible
According to the Harvard referencing convention, which is the correct reference?
(A) Bryman, A. (2008, 3e) Social Research Methods, Oxford; Oxford University Press
(B) Bryman (2008, second edition), Oxford University Press
(C) Bryman, Alan, Social Research Methods (2008: OUP)
(D) Bryman, A. Social Research Methods (2008)
When accessing the internet, which of these steps is the most essential?
(A) Recording the full URL
(B) Noting the access dates
(C) Downloading material to be referenced
(D) They are all equally important
What is a narrative literature review?
(A) An historically-based review, starting with the earliest contributions to the field
(B) A review based exclusively on stories about companies, in book and case-study form
(C) A paraphrase style of reviewing which does not require referencing
(D) An initial impression of the topic which you will understand more fully as you conduct your research