(A) 1968
(B) 1969
(C) 1970
(D) 1972
Tag: Solved Mcqs of Pakistan Studies
Runn of kutch boundry is known as?
(A) 24 Parallel Line
(B) 19 Parallel Line
(C) 39 Parallel Line
(D) 49 Parallel Line
Pakistan nuclear test was held on which date?
(A) 25 May
(B) 26 May
(C) 27 May
(D) 28 May
When National Accountablity Barue (NAB) was created?
(A) September 1999
(B) October 1999
(C) November 1999
(D) December 1999
June 3rd plan is also known as?
(A) Jinnah Plan
(B) Nehru Plan
(C) Partition Plan
(D) All of the above
What is the total area of Azad Kashmir in sq.Km?
(A) 13297
(B) 14000
(C) 14298
(D) 14300
Pakistan lies in which of the following latitudes?
(A) 23N to 38N
(B) 24N to 37N
(C) 25N to 39N
(D) 26N to 40N
Who supported PAK resolution from Uttar Pardesh?
(A) Ch Khaliquz Zaman
(B) Abdullah Haroon
(C) Sardar Ourangzeb
(D) None of the above