(A) Lowest
(B) Smallest
(C) Biggest
(D) Middlest
Tag: Statistics Mcqs With Answers
Data which have not been arranged in systematic order is called__.
(A) Group data
(B) Tabular data
(C) Raw data
(D) Undefined data
Frequency table is an arrangement of data by classes together with their __ class frequencies.
(A) Terms
(B) Alternate class
(C) Same class
(D) Corresponding class
Data classified by many __ said to be Quantitative.
(A) Characteristic
(B) Categories
(C) Affinities
(D) Attributes
The headings for various columns are said to be __.
(A) Portions of column
(B) Vertical column
(C) Column table
(D) Column caption
__are used to represent data classified on qualitative.
(A) Vertical bars
(B) Simple bar
(C) Horizontal bars
(D) Pie chart
The difference between the upper and lower class boundaries of a class are know as __.
(A) Class interval
(B) class mark
(C) class frequency
(D) Mid point
A source note foot are the __.
(A) Top
(B) Bottom
(C) Same
(D) Different