(A) have no Mode
(B) Multi Modal
(C) Bi Modal
(D) Uni Modal
Tag: Statistics Mcqs With Answers
The Normal Curve is asymptotic to the?
(A) None
(B) X-axis
(C) Y-axis
(D) Along Y=X
Arithmetic mean is __ by change of origin and scale of measurement.
(A) Vary
(B) Negative
(C) Affected
(D) Not affected
The arithmetic mean __ by 10 if 10 is added to all values.
(A) Decease
(B) Smaller
(C) Largest
(D) Increase
We must arrange the data before calculating __.
(A) Mean
(B) Median
(C) Mode
(D) G.M
The most frequent value in data is called __.
(A) Mean
(B) Mode
(C) Median
(D) H.M.
H.M. __ G.M. __ A.M.
(A) < (B) ≥ (C) ≤ (D) >
The sum of square of deviation is least when measured from __.
(A) Arbitrary value
(B) Mean
(C) Mode
(D) G.M.