(A) Singular Sense
(B) Plural Sense
(C) Singular as well as plural sense
(D) Non of these
Tag: Statistics Mcqs With Answers
Statistics is the backbone of__.
(A) Economics
(B) Mathematics
(C) Research
(D) Computer
Statistics tests the law of __.
(A) Other sciences
(B) physics
(C) Business
(D) Literary subjects
In natural Sciences, statistics__.
(A) Has no role
(B) Average
(C) Plays an Important role
(D) Study
In statistics, a sample means__.
(A) A portion of the sample
(B) A portion of the population
(C) All the items under investigation
(D) None of the above
A numerical value calculated from sample is called__.
(A) Mathematics
(B) Economics
(C) Statistic
(D) None of these
Census reports used as a source of data is__.
(A) Primary source
(B) secondary source
(C) Organized data
(D) none
The data collected by NADRA to issue National Identity cards are__.
(A) Official data
(B) un-official data
(C) Primary data
(D) Secondary data