(A) Chi-square
(B) Squared Rank test
(C) Regression
(D) None of them
Tag: Statistics Mcqs
In Two-Sample Sign test, we use __ distribution.
(A) Chi-square
(B) Binomial
(C) Z-test
(D) None of them
In squared Ranks test for several variances, __ distribution is used.
(A) Chi-square
(B) F-test
(C) Z-test
(D) None of them
To check the randomness in the data, __ test is used.
(A) Kruskal Wallis
(B) Friendman
(C) runs
(D) None of them
In one way analysis of variance, when the distribution of observations are not known,__ is used.
(A) Kruskal Wallis
(B) Friendman
(D) None of them
Kruskal Wallis test is alternative non parametric test for?
(D) None of them
In SLRM, for every value of X, there is population of?
(A) Y
(B) X’s
(C) Error
(D) None of them
In SLRM, error follows normal distribution with mean?
(A) one
(B) meu
(C) zero
(D) None of them