(A) To store the contents in the registers
(B) To display mathematical formulae
(C) To load the contents from the registers
(D) To calculate the mathematical formula
Tag: Theory of Automata
In the null production N –> ^ , N is a?
(A) Terminal
(B) Non terminal
(C) Word
(D) None of the given options
A __ is the one for which every input string has a unique path through the machine?
(A) deterministic PDA
(B) nondeterministic PDA
(C) PUSHDOWN store
(D) Input Tape
PDA stands for __.
(A) Push and Drop Automaton
(B) Pop and Drop Automaton
(C) Push Down Automaton
(D) None of given options
A __ operator adds a new letter at the top of STACK.
The unit production is?
(A) Terminal –> Terminal
(B) Terminal –> Non Terminal
(C) Non terminal –> Terminal
(D) Non terminal –> Non Terminal
In a CFG the nonterminal that occurs first from the left in the working string, is?
(A) Least Significant nonterminal
(B) Most Significant nonterminal
(C) Left most nonterminal
(D) Left most derivate
In a CFG the nonterminal that occurs first from the left in the working string, is?