(A) words
(B) alphabets
(C) cells
(D) elements
Tag: Theory of Automata
Left hand side of CFG may consist of?
(A) One terminal
(B) More than one terminal
(C) One non-terminal
(D) Terminals and non-terminals
If a language can be expressed by a regular expression, then its complement cannot be expressed by a regular expression. This statement is?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Depends on language
(D) None of the given optios
Which statement is true?
(A) The PDA must have one accept state and one reject state
(B) The PDA must have one accept state and two reject state
(C) The PDA must have two accept state and two reject state
(D) There is no reject state in the PDA
Converting the given CFG in CNF is the first rule of __.
(A) CYK algorithm
(B) CKY algorithm
(C) KYC algorithm
(D) CNK algorithm
The production of the form nonterminal →string of two nonterminals is called a?
(A) live production
(B) dead production
(C) type of production
(D) none of them
Examin the following CFG and select the correct choice: S→ AB, A →BSB, B→ CC C→ SS A→ a|b C→ b|bb?
(A) abb is a word in the corresponding CFL
(B) abb is not the word of corresponding CFL
(C) any word can be accept from the corresponding CFL
(D) Non of these
Can a turing machine’s head ever be in the same location in two successive steps?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) True but only in finite languages
(D) True but only in infinite langauges