(A) one of the major water currents of the Atlantic Ocean
(B) westerly winds
(C) the biggest and most dangerous river of Russia
(D) the name given to the biggest waterfalls in the world
Tag: World Geography Mcqs
Simla is cooler than Amritsar although they are on the same latitude. This is because:
(A) Shimla is further north
(B) Shimla is at greater height above sea level than Amritsar
(C) Shimla is farther from the Equator
(D) Their longitudes differ
Most of the weather phenomena take place in the:
(A) Ionosphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Mesosphere
A line drawn on a weather map connecting points that receive equal amounts of sunshine are:
(A) Isohel
(B) Isobar
(C) Isohyte
(D) Isotherm
Seasonal contrasts are maximum in:
(A) low latitudes
(B) high latitudes
(C) mid latitudes
(D) subtropics
Climate of a place is dependent on several factors. Which one of the following is the most significant?
(A) Distance from sea
(B) Direction of winds
(C) Latitude
(D) Ocean currents
Changing of colour of a rock into yellow or red is due to:
(A) hydration
(B) oxidation
(C) carbonation
(D) exfoliation
Which one of the following types of plains is not formed by the action of the riven?
(A) Loess plains
(B) Alluvial plains
(C) Flood plain deposits
(D) Deltas