(A) Uranus
(B) Jupiter
(C) Saturn
(D) Neptune
Tag: World Geography
Palk Strait separates:
(A) Malaysia and Sumatra
(B) India and Sri Lanka
(C) Sunda and Sumatra
(D) Borneo and Celebes
Name the country which shares the benefits of the Kosi Multipurpose Project with India:
(A) Bangladesh
(B) Pakistan
(C) Nepal
(D) Bhutan
What is a graticule?
(A) The network of intersecting parallels and meridians on a map
(B) The network of intersections of Equator and Prime Meridian
(C) The intersection of roads
(D) The intersection of Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
The largest of the planets is:
(A) Jupiter
(B) Saturn
(C) Uranus
(D) Neptune
Rice crop needs:
(A) low temperature and heavy rainfall
(B) high temperature and low rainfall
(C) annual rainfall of about 150 cm, high temperature and
(D) low temperature and low rainfall
A hinterland is:
(A) an area behind a seaport that supplies the bulk of the exports
(B) the interior of a valley
(C) an elevated area
(D) an area occupied by backward community
What is the date of summer solstice in Northern Hemisphere?
(A) 21st June
(B) 21st March
(C) 22nd December
(D) 23rd September