(A) Domestic Chicken
(B) House Sparrow
(C) House Fly
(D) Honey Bee
Tag: Zoology mcqs
Character of gymnosperms?
(A) Naked seeded plants
(B) Flowering plants
(C) Non Vascular
(D) Homosporous
Curding of milk in stomach is due to?
(A) Pepsin
(B) Albumin
(C) Chymotrypsin
(D) Rennin
If CO2 concentration increases in blood the breathing will?
(A) Decrease
(B) Increase
(C) Not be affected
(D) First decrease then increase
Which is true for bryophytes?
(A) Vascular tissue
(B) Heterospory
(C) Heterogamy
(D) Seed production
Hardest part of teeth is called?
(A) Enamel
(B) Dentin
(C) Root
(D) Pulp
Amount of oxygen carried by 100ml of blood?
(A) 10 ml
(B) 20 ml
(C) 30 ml
(D) 40 ml
What is a bolus?
(A) Food mass in the stomach
(B) Mass of undigested food
(C) Food mass mechanically digested in the intestine
(D) A mechanically crushed food mixed with saliva