(A) Maltose
(B) Sucrose
(C) Lactose
(D) Glactose
Tag: Zoology mcqs
The positive charge on histones is due to an abundance of following amino acids?
(A) Arginine and Lysine
(B) Valine and Histidine
(C) Alanine and Valine
(D) None of the above
Ring form of ribose sugar is known as?
(A) Ribofuranose
(B) Ribopyranose
(C) Pyroribinose
(D) None of the above
This protein has antiviral activity?
(A) C reactive
(B) Interferon
(C) Insulin
(D) Growth factors
The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalysed by enzyme?
(A) Hydroxylase
(B) Thrombinase
(C) Fibrin Stabilizing factor
(D) Prothrombinase
The heart of class Pisces is?
(A) Single circuit
(B) Double circuit
(C) Triple circuit
(D) Open circuit
The breakdown of alveoli occurs in?
(A) Asthma
(B) Emphysema
(C) Tuberculosis
(D) Pollen Allergy
Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous waste of?
(A) Fish and Amphibian
(B) Reptiles and Birds
(C) Amphibians and Reptiles
(D) Birds and Mammals